Sylvia Frank Rodrigue owns Sylverlining, LLC, an editorial consulting business, and serves as executive editor for Southern Illinois University Press. She has more than seventeen years of experience in publishing nonfiction books. At Louisiana State University Press she worked as acquisitions editor, executive editor, and editor-in-chief, acquiring books on Louisiana and Southern history as well as political science, memoir, literary studies, and poetry. Previously she was managing editor at Stackpole Books in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. A New Hampshire native, Rodrigue earned a B.A. in communications from Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. She lives in North Easton, Massachusetts.
Faye Phillips is Associate Dean of Libraries at Louisiana State University. She has worked in various positions at the LSU Libraries Special Collections since 1986 and has more than thirty years of experience in special collections, libraries, and archives. Phillips has served as project director for numerous state and national grants relating to archives, local history, and digital libraries and has published many journal articles on those topics. Prior to coming to LSU she was an archivist at the United States Senate. A native of Canton, Georgia, Phillips earned B.A. and M.A. degrees in American history from Georgia State University and a M.A. in library science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She lives in Baton Rouge.